"Design to SwiftUI Presents:"
Build an Apple Watch Store App for

iOS 17 

Over 10+ hours of content

Hello, aspiring iOS developers! Ready to be at the forefront of iPhone app development? Then you can't afford to miss "Design to SwiftUI Presents... Building an Apple Watch Store App in iOS 17!" This course allows you to be among the first to master SwiftData, Apple's latest feature for seamless data saving and fetching. Yes, you heard it right—be a pioneer in leveraging this groundbreaking technology!

From there, we'll guide you through product list and grid switching to enhance your user experience, and you'll learn the nuances of product favoriting. But that's just the beginning! Dive deep into SwiftUI Data Flow, transform custom designs into functional features in Xcode, and work with Async/Await GET Rest API using Mockoon.  

Add more depth to your app with product filtering, Apple Pay, custom star ratings, UserDefaults, and tap gestures. We'll also cover essential accessibility features, making your app accessible to a broader audience.

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Course Content

3 sections • 54 lectures • 10h 30m total length


  1. SwiftData: Are you excited to be ahead of the curve? You'll be among the first to explore SwiftData in iOS 17 in this course. We'll dive into how to save and fetch data seamlessly, offering you a unique edge in the competitive landscape of iOS development.
  2. Custom App Aesthetics: Discover the art of custom design and the integration of personalized fonts tailored to enhance user experience.
  3. Data Handling and APIs: Harness the power of Async/Await GET Rest API with Mockoon and understand the profound depths of SwiftData.
  4. User Experience Perfection: Learn about product filtering, list, grid view switching, and adding intuitive features like tap gestures and product favoriting.
  5. Feedback and Reviews: Dive into creating a custom star rating system and comprehend the intricacies of saving product reviews with Swift Data.
  6. SwiftUI Data Flow in iOS 17: Explore the groundbreaking feature of Observation in Swift 5.9. From understanding the magical transformation of '@Observable' to diving deep into data models, tracking changes, and leveraging macros for performance improvements.

  7. Apple Pay: Join the future of digital transactions! This course section will walk you through incorporating Apple Pay into your app, providing users with a secure and hassle-free checkout experience.
  8. Accessibility: Creating an inclusive app is ethical and broadens your user base. This module will introduce you to vital accessibility features such as VoiceOver and we will cover how you can go even further with Dynamic Type, making your app accessible to as many people as possible.


Starting from a custom design crafted in Sketch, this course will lead you through the fascinating process of transforming that unique vision into a functional Apple Watch store app. Utilizing the capabilities of SwiftUI and iOS 17, you'll explore essential design elements including unique fonts, user-friendly layouts, and engaging product interfaces, all within the realm of Xcode.


Whether you are a novice eager to learn or a seasoned developer looking to hone your design skills, this course offers a comprehensive guide to app creation. With hands-on experience and guided instruction, you'll learn to integrate intuitive features like long tap gestures and turn your design dream into an inspiring and operational application. The journey from Sketch to Xcode is not only educational but inspires creativity and technical mastery in every student.

Code Less, Store More:

SwiftData's Modern Magic!

Discover the modern magic of SwiftData, where less code unlocks more possibilities! Seamlessly blending Core Data's trusty persistence with Swift's concurrent innovations, SwiftData paves the path for quick and efficient app persistence, all without the baggage of extra code or external dependencies. Dive into a world where macros facilitate swifter, safer, and more efficient coding, providing a canvas for your app's intricate model layer. Beyond mere storage, SwiftData also offers nimble caching for apps accessing web services, enriching offline experiences.

Beyond the Basics:

Dive into Filtering Excellence

When it comes to app development, there's more to consider than just how your Apple Watch store app appears; it's vital to ensure it operates seamlessly. At the heart of a smooth user experience is the ability to sift through products effectively, and that's where product filtering comes into play. This tool, when optimized, allows users to effortlessly navigate and zero in on their desired items. This course dedicates a substantial portion to this crucial aspect. We break down the essentials, guiding you through the process of implementing efficient and user-friendly filtering systems. And with a particular focus on SwiftUI, you'll gain insights and techniques that are both practical and timely. Dive in, and elevate your app's functionality to match its aesthetic appeal.

"Optimized Payments,

Optimized Performance:

Dive Deep with Apple Pay's Dev Tools!"

Developers, ready to revolutionize your apps? Discover the art of embedding Apple Pay's seamless payment solutions into your iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS apps or Safari web platforms. With step-by-step guidance, tap into features like Face ID, Touch ID, and Apple Watch's double-click, enabling users to speed through checkouts securely. Embrace Apple Pay’s seamless integration, and let its simplicity translate to higher conversion rates and enthusiastic user adoption for your apps.